Credit Card Fraud Detection¶
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
csv_file_path = '/content/drive/My Drive/creditcard.csv'
First I have imported the dataset from the drive by mounting it¶
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file_path)
Time | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V6 | V7 | V8 | V9 | ... | V21 | V22 | V23 | V24 | V25 | V26 | V27 | V28 | Amount | Class | |
0 | 0.0 | -1.359807 | -0.072781 | 2.536347 | 1.378155 | -0.338321 | 0.462388 | 0.239599 | 0.098698 | 0.363787 | ... | -0.018307 | 0.277838 | -0.110474 | 0.066928 | 0.128539 | -0.189115 | 0.133558 | -0.021053 | 149.62 | 0 |
1 | 0.0 | 1.191857 | 0.266151 | 0.166480 | 0.448154 | 0.060018 | -0.082361 | -0.078803 | 0.085102 | -0.255425 | ... | -0.225775 | -0.638672 | 0.101288 | -0.339846 | 0.167170 | 0.125895 | -0.008983 | 0.014724 | 2.69 | 0 |
2 | 1.0 | -1.358354 | -1.340163 | 1.773209 | 0.379780 | -0.503198 | 1.800499 | 0.791461 | 0.247676 | -1.514654 | ... | 0.247998 | 0.771679 | 0.909412 | -0.689281 | -0.327642 | -0.139097 | -0.055353 | -0.059752 | 378.66 | 0 |
3 | 1.0 | -0.966272 | -0.185226 | 1.792993 | -0.863291 | -0.010309 | 1.247203 | 0.237609 | 0.377436 | -1.387024 | ... | -0.108300 | 0.005274 | -0.190321 | -1.175575 | 0.647376 | -0.221929 | 0.062723 | 0.061458 | 123.50 | 0 |
4 | 2.0 | -1.158233 | 0.877737 | 1.548718 | 0.403034 | -0.407193 | 0.095921 | 0.592941 | -0.270533 | 0.817739 | ... | -0.009431 | 0.798278 | -0.137458 | 0.141267 | -0.206010 | 0.502292 | 0.219422 | 0.215153 | 69.99 | 0 |
5 rows × 31 columns
Then I found the shape of the dataset¶
(284807, 31)
Time 0 V1 0 V2 0 V3 0 V4 0 V5 0 V6 0 V7 0 V8 0 V9 0 V10 0 V11 0 V12 0 V13 0 V14 0 V15 0 V16 0 V17 0 V18 0 V19 0 V20 0 V21 0 V22 0 V23 0 V24 0 V25 0 V26 0 V27 0 V28 0 Amount 0 Class 0 dtype: int64
Then I found that there are no null values which is a + point for us¶
Time | V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V5 | V6 | V7 | V8 | V9 | ... | V21 | V22 | V23 | V24 | V25 | V26 | V27 | V28 | Amount | Class | |
count | 284807.000000 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | ... | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 2.848070e+05 | 284807.000000 | 284807.000000 |
mean | 94813.859575 | 1.168375e-15 | 3.416908e-16 | -1.379537e-15 | 2.074095e-15 | 9.604066e-16 | 1.487313e-15 | -5.556467e-16 | 1.213481e-16 | -2.406331e-15 | ... | 1.654067e-16 | -3.568593e-16 | 2.578648e-16 | 4.473266e-15 | 5.340915e-16 | 1.683437e-15 | -3.660091e-16 | -1.227390e-16 | 88.349619 | 0.001727 |
std | 47488.145955 | 1.958696e+00 | 1.651309e+00 | 1.516255e+00 | 1.415869e+00 | 1.380247e+00 | 1.332271e+00 | 1.237094e+00 | 1.194353e+00 | 1.098632e+00 | ... | 7.345240e-01 | 7.257016e-01 | 6.244603e-01 | 6.056471e-01 | 5.212781e-01 | 4.822270e-01 | 4.036325e-01 | 3.300833e-01 | 250.120109 | 0.041527 |
min | 0.000000 | -5.640751e+01 | -7.271573e+01 | -4.832559e+01 | -5.683171e+00 | -1.137433e+02 | -2.616051e+01 | -4.355724e+01 | -7.321672e+01 | -1.343407e+01 | ... | -3.483038e+01 | -1.093314e+01 | -4.480774e+01 | -2.836627e+00 | -1.029540e+01 | -2.604551e+00 | -2.256568e+01 | -1.543008e+01 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 54201.500000 | -9.203734e-01 | -5.985499e-01 | -8.903648e-01 | -8.486401e-01 | -6.915971e-01 | -7.682956e-01 | -5.540759e-01 | -2.086297e-01 | -6.430976e-01 | ... | -2.283949e-01 | -5.423504e-01 | -1.618463e-01 | -3.545861e-01 | -3.171451e-01 | -3.269839e-01 | -7.083953e-02 | -5.295979e-02 | 5.600000 | 0.000000 |
50% | 84692.000000 | 1.810880e-02 | 6.548556e-02 | 1.798463e-01 | -1.984653e-02 | -5.433583e-02 | -2.741871e-01 | 4.010308e-02 | 2.235804e-02 | -5.142873e-02 | ... | -2.945017e-02 | 6.781943e-03 | -1.119293e-02 | 4.097606e-02 | 1.659350e-02 | -5.213911e-02 | 1.342146e-03 | 1.124383e-02 | 22.000000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 139320.500000 | 1.315642e+00 | 8.037239e-01 | 1.027196e+00 | 7.433413e-01 | 6.119264e-01 | 3.985649e-01 | 5.704361e-01 | 3.273459e-01 | 5.971390e-01 | ... | 1.863772e-01 | 5.285536e-01 | 1.476421e-01 | 4.395266e-01 | 3.507156e-01 | 2.409522e-01 | 9.104512e-02 | 7.827995e-02 | 77.165000 | 0.000000 |
max | 172792.000000 | 2.454930e+00 | 2.205773e+01 | 9.382558e+00 | 1.687534e+01 | 3.480167e+01 | 7.330163e+01 | 1.205895e+02 | 2.000721e+01 | 1.559499e+01 | ... | 2.720284e+01 | 1.050309e+01 | 2.252841e+01 | 4.584549e+00 | 7.519589e+00 | 3.517346e+00 | 3.161220e+01 | 3.384781e+01 | 25691.160000 | 1.000000 |
8 rows × 31 columns
There are 2 unique values in the class column¶
--> 0 - Genuine --> 1 - Fraudent
Class 0 284315 1 492 Name: count, dtype: int64
df['Class'].value_counts(normalize = True)
Class 0 0.998273 1 0.001727 Name: proportion, dtype: float64
X = df.iloc[:,:-1]
y = df.iloc[:,-1:]
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 0)
count 227845.000000 mean 94832.242876 std 47500.701858 min 0.000000 25% 54202.000000 50% 84737.000000 75% 139337.000000 max 172792.000000 Name: Time, dtype: float64
Lets first observe the Time¶
X_train.Time = X_train.Time/3600
X_test.Time = X_test.Time/3600
We converted the time which was in seconds into hours¶
count 227845.000000 mean 26.342290 std 13.194639 min 0.000000 25% 15.056111 50% 23.538056 75% 38.704722 max 47.997778 Name: Time, dtype: float64
The minimum and maximum time of the transactions in hours is 0.00 and 47.99
Now lets find out it according to days
Here we can see that the dataset is a 2 days observation
plt.figure(figsize=(12,4), dpi=80)
sns.distplot(X_train.Time, bins=48, kde=False)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,49,6), np.hstack((np.arange(0, 30, 6), np.arange(6, 30, 6))).astype(str))
plt.axvline(x=24, color='r', linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel('Time (hours)')
plt.title('Transaction Times')
<ipython-input-19-75ea51c32ebd>:2: UserWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see sns.distplot(X_train.Time, bins=48, kde=False)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Transaction Times')
Here we can clearly see that most of the transactions occured between 6:30 am to 11:30 pm. Some people may went for the morning coffee or breakfast¶
Now lets observe the Amount¶
count 227845.000000 mean 88.630203 std 248.037789 min 0.000000 25% 5.690000 50% 22.000000 75% 77.600000 max 19656.530000 Name: Amount, dtype: float64
The average amount transactions is Rs. 88 and the maximum amount transfered is 19656 which I think it must be an outlier I guess, coze there will be almost 1 or 2 transactions which will be transfering this much of amount.¶
sns.distplot(X_train['Amount'], bins = 30, kde = False)
<ipython-input-21-e939dd81d153>:1: UserWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see sns.distplot(X_train['Amount'], bins = 30, kde = False)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Amount')
sns.boxplot(X_train['Amount'], orient = 'h')
<Axes: xlabel='Amount'>
Here we can clearly see that there are many outliers and that to be in the right side and it is because of the right skewness
It can be noticed that the Amount column is mostly right_skewed and we need to normalize the data and to do this we will be using boxcox from scipy
from scipy.stats import boxcox
X_train['Amount'] += 0.00000000001
X_train['Amount'], best_lambda = boxcox(X_train['Amount'])
plt.figure(figsize=(12,4), dpi=80)
sns.distplot(X_train.Amount, kde=False)
plt.xlabel('Transformed Amount')
plt.title('Transaction Amounts (Box-Cox Transformed)')
<ipython-input-29-1baeed0f21ea>:2: UserWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see sns.distplot(X_train.Amount, kde=False)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Transaction Amounts (Box-Cox Transformed)')
sns.boxplot(X_train['Amount'], orient = 'h')
<Axes: xlabel='Amount'>
count 227845.000000 mean 3.996731 std 2.982302 min -7.139289 25% 1.960690 50% 3.839356 75% 5.929348 max 20.798801 Name: Amount, dtype: float64
Now we can clearly see that now the Amount is less skewed. Previously the Skewness value was 14.64 and now the skewness value is 0.115... Huge difference
Now lets check the same thing in test dataset
count 56962.000000 mean 87.227297 std 258.280642 min 0.000000 25% 5.460000 50% 21.940000 75% 76.000000 max 25691.160000 Name: Amount, dtype: float64
X_test['Amount'] += 0.00000000001
X_test['Amount'], best_params = boxcox(X_test['Amount'])
count 56962.000000 mean 3.976492 std 2.975370 min -7.131884 25% 1.908875 50% 3.836212 75% 5.894048 max 21.861693 Name: Amount, dtype: float64
plt.figure(figsize = (12,4))
sns.distplot(X_train['Amount'], kde = False)
plt.xlabel('Transformed Amount')
plt.title('Transaction Amounts (Box-Cox Transformed)')
<ipython-input-38-682ed6568112>:2: UserWarning: `distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0. Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with similar flexibility) or `histplot` (an axes-level function for histograms). For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see sns.distplot(X_train['Amount'], kde = False)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Transaction Amounts (Box-Cox Transformed)')
count 227845.000000 mean 26.342290 std 13.194639 min 0.000000 25% 15.056111 50% 23.538056 75% 38.704722 max 47.997778 Name: Time, dtype: float64
sns.jointplot(x = X_train.Time.apply(lambda x: x % 24),
y = X_train.Amount,
gridsize=20).set_axis_labels('Time of Day (hr)','Transformed Amount')
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x7a4257b77f10>
This shows that most of the transactions are from 10:00 am to 11:30 pm, and also some transactions are occuring in the morning half like say 04:30 to 05:00. It might be the people going for morning walk and having tea or coffee
Class 0 227454 1 391 Name: count, dtype: int64
1 is fraudent and 0 is genuine
getting the indices whose value is 1 i.e., the transactions which are detected fraudent
filtered_indices = np.where(y_train == 1)[0]
sns.jointplot(x = X_train.iloc[filtered_indices].Time.apply(lambda x: x % 24),
y = X_train.iloc[filtered_indices].Amount,
gridsize=20).set_axis_labels('Time of Day (hr)','Transformed Amount')
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x7a4257c64d30>
We will be going to use the SGDC(Stocasticated Gradient Decent Classifier) model
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
sgdc = SGDClassifier()
parameters = {
'loss' : ['log_loss'],
'penalty' : ['l2', 'l1', 'elasticnet'],
'alpha' : np.logspace(start=-3, stop=3, num=30)
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
sgdcgcv = GridSearchCV(sgdc, param_grid = parameters, scoring = 'accuracy', cv = 5)
y_train = y_train.values
Ravel() is used to flattern the data column i.e., to convert the dimentions from 2D array to 1D array
y_train = y_train.ravel()
y_test = y_test.values
%%time, y_train)
CPU times: user 8min 10s, sys: 45.8 s, total: 8min 55s Wall time: 8min 12s
GridSearchCV(cv=5, estimator=SGDClassifier(), param_grid={'alpha': array([1.00000000e-03, 1.61026203e-03, 2.59294380e-03, 4.17531894e-03, 6.72335754e-03, 1.08263673e-02, 1.74332882e-02, 2.80721620e-02, 4.52035366e-02, 7.27895384e-02, 1.17210230e-01, 1.88739182e-01, 3.03919538e-01, 4.89390092e-01, 7.88046282e-01, 1.26896100e+00, 2.04335972e+00, 3.29034456e+00, 5.29831691e+00, 8.53167852e+00, 1.37382380e+01, 2.21221629e+01, 3.56224789e+01, 5.73615251e+01, 9.23670857e+01, 1.48735211e+02, 2.39502662e+02, 3.85662042e+02, 6.21016942e+02, 1.00000000e+03]), 'loss': ['log_loss'], 'penalty': ['l2', 'l1', 'elasticnet']}, scoring='accuracy')In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
GridSearchCV(cv=5, estimator=SGDClassifier(), param_grid={'alpha': array([1.00000000e-03, 1.61026203e-03, 2.59294380e-03, 4.17531894e-03, 6.72335754e-03, 1.08263673e-02, 1.74332882e-02, 2.80721620e-02, 4.52035366e-02, 7.27895384e-02, 1.17210230e-01, 1.88739182e-01, 3.03919538e-01, 4.89390092e-01, 7.88046282e-01, 1.26896100e+00, 2.04335972e+00, 3.29034456e+00, 5.29831691e+00, 8.53167852e+00, 1.37382380e+01, 2.21221629e+01, 3.56224789e+01, 5.73615251e+01, 9.23670857e+01, 1.48735211e+02, 2.39502662e+02, 3.85662042e+02, 6.21016942e+02, 1.00000000e+03]), 'loss': ['log_loss'], 'penalty': ['l2', 'l1', 'elasticnet']}, scoring='accuracy')
{'alpha': 0.001, 'loss': 'log_loss', 'penalty': 'l2'}
y_pred = sgdcgcv.predict(X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix , classification_report, accuracy_score
print(accuracy_score(y_pred, y_test))
print(classification_report(y_pred, y_test))
print(confusion_matrix(y_pred, y_test))
0.9991573329588147 precision recall f1-score support 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 56895 1 0.59 0.90 0.71 67 accuracy 1.00 56962 macro avg 0.80 0.95 0.86 56962 weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 56962 [[56854 41] [ 7 60]]
import pickle
pickle.dump(sgdcgcv, open('model.pkl','wb'))
print (model.predict (X_test))
[0 0 0 ... 0 0 0]